
Brooke and Maggie met in 2010 when they were both attending the University of Alberta and decided to do a semester abroad in Lille, France. Since then, they have travelled to seven countries together and have never missed a flight! Currently, Brooke is an Education Coordinator living in Edmonton, Alberta and Maggie is a student, finishing her Masters in Vancouver, British Columbia.

About Brooke
Loves: Wine, chocolate, post-it notes and being in bed. Napping is life.
Hates: Seafood, mice and small spaces.
Favourite country: Hard to say. Maybe Sri Lanka. It was so diverse and we did a ton of beautiful hikes.
Favourite city: Bruges, Belgium.
Most memorable travel moment: Seeing Machu Picchu or roadtripping around Ireland.
Craziest travel experience: Spending 32 long hours on a train in India.
On this trip I really want to: See Venice and ride in a gondola.
Mountains or beach: Beach!
Best part about travelling with Maggie: We have the same sense of humour and tend to find ridiculous situations hilarious instead of annoying or stressful.

About Maggie
Loves: Puppies, pigeons, playing (multiple meanings), biking, exploring, eating.
Hates: Not eating, not playing, not travelling with Brooke.
Favourite country: India.
Favourite city: Austin, Texas, USA.
Most memorable travel moment: Skinny dipping in Cuba.
Craziest travel experience: Spending some quality time in the red light district of Mumbai.
On this trip I really want to: Plan as little as possible.
Mountains or beach: Both.
Best part about travelling with Brooke: a) She loves the crazy “where-are-we-what-is-happening” travel moment as much as me, b) Travelling with Brooke ❤